Friday, February 1, 2008

Political Ruminations

Many well-meaning and intelligent people seem to be in favor of Barack Obama's candidacy. That said, I'd like to make a point. One of the most right-wing papers in New York City, the New York Post, has endorsed Obama. Now why would the Post do that?

It's clear that the Post's editorial writers aren't Democrats and that they loved Bush. It's absolutely clear that they have done the math and they have concluded that the Republicans will likely not prevail against Hillary, but that they have a clear shot against Obama because he has not been tested by time. They consider him to be thin and without much substance.

It was plainly obvious from Thursday night's debate in California that Hillary brings far more experience and knowledge to the table than Barack does. And the cynical truth is that the Post wants nothing more than to keep the Republicans in the White House. Setting up Obama to fall is the best way they can envision to succeed.

Do you remember when Ralph Nader ran against Bush? He also ran against Gore. His supporters took no votes away from the Republicans - but they cost the Democrats the electoral votes necessary to carry the country. Do you really want to repeat this debacle? Supporting Barack is very, very risky - the results of a Republican in the White House will likely cause an eventual reinstatement of the draft. It's inevitable. An interminable war will have to eventually reach out to those citizens who choose not to enlist of their own free will. Those who supported Barack and the Republicans will all be subject to military service with all the horrendous implications of that path. Do you really want to go in that direction? If I were of draftable age (I am not - I am in my 60's), I would be shuddering in my pants at the thought of voting for a weaker democratic candidate. Let Obama wait 8 years. At that point he'll have the experience to be presidential material. He doesn't have it yet. Hillary does. I ask you to seriously consider the long-term implications of an Obama candidacy and to pull the lever for Hillary Clinton.


El Profe

1 comment:

RickiL said...

Excellent points.

My very conservative office-mate is very exited about Obama possibly being the candidate because he really favors McCain and a continuation of the was until "we win".

He feels it will be easier to defeat Obama than Hillary Clinton.

We can not risk having Republicans in office for any longer. Hillary is the stronger candidate.I agree with you and will be voting for Hillary.

Hillary is the smartest, the most experienced and the most capable of the candidates. She understands how our cmplicated government works.

It will be a great breakthrough to smash the " glass ceiling" and have a real woman in leadership.

At last we have a wonderful woman candidate, how can any feminist not support her?